CalculateDistance for Maya

Free or donate: $5.00

Tired of measuring distance through Maya’s default tool?

Calculate Distance can be hooked to a Hot Key for quick use. It will display a prompt box with the distance between the specified objects, without creating any locator or object in your scene. In developer mode, no prompt box is shown, and the value can be stored in a variable to use in your own scripts.

This tool is completely free, but you can donate any amount if you found it useful!


Tired of measuring distance through Maya’s default tool?

Calculate Distance can be hooked to a Hot Key for quick use. It will display a prompt box with the distance between the specified objects, without creating any locator or object in your scene.

In developer mode, no prompt box is shown, and the value can be stored in a variable to use in your own scripts.

Available functions for regular and developer mode:

  1. Distance from current camera to selected object’s pivot point.
  2. Distance from current camera to closest vertex of selected object.
  3. Distance between 2 selected objects (camera independent)
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